I just returned to the studio this week after the Christmas/Semester break. I thought it would be interesting to show the process of how I create some of my sculptures, so over the next few weeks I will include in the blog photos of 2 brand new series of pieces from conception to finished product.
I always start in my sketchbook so the first photo you will see is a page from the sketchbook that shows the conception of the new series: first, a set of three large boxes (that may develope into one piece) and second, a series of smaller box assemblages utilizing anywhere from 4 to 7 boxes put together for each sculpture. For inside the smaller boxes I am creating some Miniature Stacked sculptures and for the larger boxes I am creating some clay leaves.
On Monday I spent the day making clay with Bill Farnsworth. We each have a few hundred pounds to get started. Tuesday I began arranging and rearranging the different boxes to see what direction I wanted to head in and I began to sketch the ideas in my sketchbook. On Wednesday I worked on the wheel to begin making thrown forms for the stacked pieces, I also made several more leaves. You can see examples of both the miniature (from 2 to 3 inches high) thrown pieces (unfinished) and some leaves in the second photo. Today I trimmed, sanded and generally worked the individual pieces to a more finished place.
By the way, you can click on each photo to see a larger, more detailed version.
To be continued -
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